The Braided Sisterhood Is Waiting For YOU!

Helping you balance tradition in an untraditional world.


About Us

Are you looking for a community of women who desire to put Christ first in all things?

We are a community of Christian women who are growing in faith, family, & business together.

Dear Sister,

God has created you to be His. The world might be telling you that tradition is dead, but I'm here to tell you it is more relevant today than it ever has been.

You are in the world not of the world. 

God created you to be SET APART!

Why Should You Join the Sisterhood?

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities of family, work, and life? Whether you are a single gal, business owner, housewife, or mother..... we understand the need to focus on joy and peace in ALL things! We also understand the need to surround yourself with other Christian women who can walk alongside you in all of life's ups and downs. The traditional woman still exists, and so do traditional friendships.

It takes a village.

What's Inside?

The Sisterhood is all about…….Faith & Family

What you get inside the sisterhood:

  • Monthly Coffee Chats - These will be done mostly online, but from time to time we will have additional in-person coffee chats for those local to us. This is a beautiful time to talk about all the things from Jesus, marriage, motherhood, and business.

  • Monthly Co-Working Sessions - If you work from home, this will be VITAL for you!! It can get boring and lonely sometimes working from home, but now you have sisters to hop on a zoom with and work together!

  • Prayer Nights - This is a time where I take prayer requests and pray over you.

  • Best of all - you will find your new village!!! A community that locks arms and does life together! The beauty about this new online space, is that we have a beautiful way of connecting with sisters all across the country!

We cannot wait to meet you inside for faith, family, & business!

Helping you balance tradition in an untraditional world!